Aug 28, 2024

53|01 Nashville and Ethika Music Unite: Ushering in a New Era of Music Production


Just over two years ago, John Luzzi moved from Seattle to Nashville, attracted by the city's abundant music scene, filled with artists and creatives. A seasoned touring guitarist and vocalist with a deep connection to music, John had already established himself in Seattle as a performer, writer, producer, and studio owner. His experience owning a recording studio in Seattle laid the foundation for his next major venture, one that would happen swiftly, grow rapidly and merge with the innovative expansion of Ethika Music.

Upon arriving in Nashville, John quickly established 53|01, a world class recording studio specifically designed with artists in mind. He was intentional about connecting with local artists, learning firsthand about their dissatisfaction with existing recording environments. Using this feedback, John designed 53|01 to be the antithesis of what artists commonly complained about, creating a studio experience that was acoustically perfect, aesthetically pleasing, and culturally aligned.

"It’s not just a building, it's a creative space where artists can truly be themselves and produce their best work," John explains. "I wanted 53|01 to be a refuge where artists feel inspired and supported, a place that reflects the moment they first fell in love with music."

With 53|01's high speed success, John transitioned fully from touring to focus on creating an avant-garde recording environment. His commitment extended beyond the physical space, advocating for the overall wellness and fair treatment of artists. John believes that when artists are free from the restrictive binds of constricting contracts, and can create in a supportive environment, the world reaps the benefits of impactful and influential music.

The partnership with Ethika Music, facilitated by Ethika's CEO Matt Cook, came not just as a strategic advancement but a partnership that was connected at its core through common values. Sharing a vision for equitable change in the music and publishing business, and a dedication to the total wellness of artists, the collaboration was established to amplify a shared vision founded on a genuine love for music and the artists who create it.



Quotes from John Luzzi:

“Partnering with Ethika during its vast expansion aligned perfectly with my desire to build a core group of colleagues and collaborators,” John states. “This partnership simply made sense, felt right, and came at the right time.”

“I didn’t want to build just another recording studio. I envisioned 53|01 as a creative hub where artists could feel at home yet still produce high-quality music with world-class equipment.”

“I curated the 53|01 studio experience to be a sanctuary where artists can be themselves and create at the most authentic level. The most influential music is made with raw authenticity; it’s what we feel and express through art. It resonates, connects, and, ultimately, it’s what allows music to bridge souls. That’s why it was crucial for 53|01 to embody an atmosphere that inspires artists to create their best work.”

“When I met Matt and learned of his vision for Ethika Music, I was blown away. His vision and ideals mirrored the 53|01 mission. Matt not only shared the 53|01 vision but provided the vehicle—Ethika Music—to drive our collective vision forward.”

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