Mar 1, 2024
paper boy casino - blue cheese

Paperboy has retained authenticity as part of his identity. Growing up in Alabama, consistency was longed-for but hard to come by. He was moving around a lot, learning the ins and outs of being able to adjust to new environments at a young age.

He was endowed with a chameleon-like mindset early on, a trait he wears proudly till this very day. As a former athlete-turned-rapper, Paperboy’s discipline on the field translated to the recording studio almost instantly. However, he didn’t start taking music seriously until he enrolled in college, but his faith – and the ability to believe in something greater– is tried and true to his story.

Over the years, he’s always represented the underdog: someone who is a product of their circumstances and not necessarily their environment. Despite the obstacles thrown his way, Paperboy has bounced back each and every time, coming back stronger than before with more material to incorporate into his rhymes.


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